TORONTO--Toronto–Representatives of the Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario (CFSO) will be available to comment on the 2011 Ontario Budget immediately following its release on Tuesday, March 29. After six consecutive tuition fee increases at five per cent annually, students are desperate to find relief in this budget.
Last week, the CFSO released a public opinion poll with the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) that showed that a strong majority of Ontarians believe that tuition fees are too high. It also found that a majority of Ontarians believe that Dalton McGuinty's record on post-secondary education is the same or worse than former Premier Mike Harris. Students are hopeful to see their recommendations made to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs reflected in this budget.
At $6,307 for undergraduate and $ 6,917 for graduate students, tuition fees in Ontario are the highest in Canada.National student debt reached $15 billion this past year. Students in Ontario can borrow up to $29,200 over four years in public student loans. Average student debt including private loans is $37,000 for a four-year degree.
Ontario has the lowest per student funding in Canada. At $10,222, Ontario spends $3,500 less per student on post-secondary education than the Canadian median and $15,000 less per student than Alberta, the province with the highest per student funding.
Despite improvements and investments made to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), for every $1 made available to students in financial aid, $1.42 was clawed back in higher tuition fees.
Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario responds to 2011 Ontario Budget:
DATE: Tuesday, March 29, 2011
TIME: 4:00 p.m.
PLACE: Queen's Park
WHO: Nora Loreto, Communications Coordinator: 416-846-6672
Nadine Tkatchevskaia, French media contact: 416-271-5759
The Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario unites more than 300,000 college and university students across the province.